MiddlesexCountyTrafficCourt.Com provides information on traffic violations and citations from the following municipalities and boroughs in Middlesex County, NJ:

Monroe Township Municipal Court

1 Municipal Plaza
Monroe Township, NJ 08094
Hours: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Court Sessions: First 3 Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m.
Fourth Thursday at 3:00 p.m.
All other Thursdays 7:00 p.m.
Municipal Court Judge: Honorable George M. Boyd
Monroe Township Municipal Court Administrator: Donna Linke
Cases: Traffic offenses and related matters.
Website: https://www.monroetwp.com/index.php/departments/municipal-court
Tel: 732-521-4020

Court Code: 1213
MVC#: M15

Online Payments: http://www.njmcdirect.com/

About Monroe Township, NJ

Monroe Township was incorporated as a township by an act of the New Jersey Legislature on April 9, 1838, from portions of South Amboy Township, based on the results of a referendum held that same day. Portions of the township were taken to form East Brunswick (February 28, 1860), Cranbury (March 7, 1872), and Jamesburg (March 19, 1887).

There are several age-restricted communities in the township. Despite major senior citizen growth, the median age in Monroe has changed from 52.5 in 1990, increasing to 58.9 in 2000, before decreasing back to 53.2 in 2010, as more growth has been from single-family detached homes more recently than with senior citizen developments. Monroe had the third-largest increase in population of any municipality in the state between 2010 and 2014, growing by 3,678 to 42,810, following two more urban locations, Jersey City and Elizabeth.

The earliest settlers in what would become Monroe Township were the Lenape Native Americans.

Monroe Township was founded in 1838 and named in honor of the President of the United States James Monroe.

For many decades, it was largely a farming community. After parts of the township grew into the more densely packed neighborhoods of Helmetta, Jamesburg, and Spotswood in the late 19th century, they seceded.[21] Railroads came into Monroe from just about the very beginning, starting with the Camden and Amboy Rail Road in the 1830s and 1840s.[28] In 1905, Bernarr Macfadden, the proponent of physical culture, came to the part of Monroe near Helmetta and Spotswood, and attempted to set up a camp called "Physical Culture City", where he could teach his beliefs in relative peace. However, in 1907, Macfadden was arrested for distribution of what was in those times considered pornography and the camp dissolved.The area of this camp became the Outcalt neighborhood.

{mosmap width='100%'|height='400'|lat='40.1580171'|lon='-74.999369'|zoom='15'|mapType='Road'|text=<strong>Monroe Township Municipal Court</strong><br>1 Municipal Plaza<br>Monroe, NJ 08094<br>732-521-4020|tooltip='Directions'|marker='1'|align='center'}

How to Handle Your Citation

If you are issued a ticket or citation by a police officer for any type of motor vehicle violation (e.g., speeding, parking, use of a cell phone while driving, fender bender, injury accident, driving under the influence, etc.) you will have to deal with the municipal traffic court that has jurisdiction over the place where the incident occurred.

Accepting Your Citation

If you believe that the citation issued to you by the police officer was warranted, you do not have to appear before a judge in municipal traffic court. You only have to arrange payment to the court prior to the payment due date that is written on the citation. Note that failure to pay on or before this date can have serious legal or financial consequences.

Payment Options

Each municipal traffic court maintains its own calendar of hearings. If you decide to plead guilty to the offense, it is not necessary for you to appear before the court. You do have to arrange to pay the fine before the due state. You generally have two payment options.

Pay by Mail

Send a check or money order to the address printed on your citation. Do not send cash.

Pay in Person

Again, you can pay using a check or money order, although cash or debit/credit cards might be an option. It is a good idea to call the office of the appropriate municipal traffic court in advance to verify business hours and discuss the types of acceptable payment methods.

Pay Online

A possible third option, this allows you to pay your fine using a debit or credit card. It is not offered by all local municipal traffic courts at this time, so call to ask if this option is available.

Contesting Your Citation

If you would like to contest your citation, you must schedule an appearance before the judge. Again, each municipal traffic court sets its own days and hours of business, so call ahead to verify these and to schedule your appearance. It is best to call as soon as possible because dockets can fill up fast.

Failure to Comply

If you fail to pay your citation or do not make an appointment to contest your citation, you may be subject to other fines and penalties that can be imposed by the judge. These can include additional legal charges, additional fees, suspension or loss of your driver's license, and perhaps the possibility of incarceration.

When to Contact an Attorney

Personal Injury. If you or any person in your vehicle or any other person in another involved vehicle or a bystander believes an injury has been incurred during the incident, whether that injury be minor or major.

Driving Under the Influence. If you had been drinking alcohol or taking drugs (including prescription medications) in the period leading up to the incident or if you believe a person from any other involved vehicle might have been under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the incident.

Substantial Damage. If there has been substantial damage to your vehicle or any other involved vehicle or vehicles, or if there is minor or major damage to other property (e.g., hitting a utility pole or tree, crashing through a fence or other barrier, or running into a building, etc.).